返回 【妙招大看台】如何挑选礼物




Take your holiday gift-exchange skills to the next level with these tips.

Step 1:
Create a gift basket centered on one of their interests. [-------1-------]
Step 2:
[-------2-------] Go with a gift card from a store or web site that offers a wide selection.
Try an iTunes gift card for someone tied to their mp3 player.
Step 3:
Create a festive food and drink package. Your [-------3-------] may enjoy it at home – or bring it to someone else's party. Either way, rest assured that salami will get eaten.
Drinking accoutrements like wine charms, whiskey tumblers, or a martini set are a fun – and often cheaper – alternative to actual booze.
Step 4:
For family members get gifts [-------4-------] spending time together, like board games or movie tickets.
Step 5:
In the office, stick to tasteful and professional choices, and only attempt a humorous gift if you know the recipient well. 'Tis the season to be jolly, not inappropriate.
Treat a coworker who brown bags it every day to a gift certificate for a local restaurant.
Step 6:
If your recipient is a child, look for age-appropriate, hands-on gifts like toys, puzzles, games, novelties, and oddities. For preteens and teens, get gift cards to the stores they like.



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