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Learn the facts and myths about teacup pigs in this exotic pets video. Expert: Jill and John Phillips of Squeals on Wheels

When pigs from small miniature pig parents are born, they can actually fit into the size of a little teacup, which is where the term “teacup pig” [-------1-------] They're three to five ounces, some of them, very teeny. Pigs will reach their maximum growth at somewhere between three to four years, sometimes even five years. I would say that the average size of miniature pig is under 30 pounds. Some obviously get very much larger and some may end up smaller, maybe even under 20 pounds. Because miniature pigs are so incredibly intelligent, it's very easy to litter box train them, and they are easily litter boxed trained within one to five days. Little piggies do live ten to 15 years of age. You also need to piggy-proof your home, much like you would  
[-------2-------] proof your home. To make sure they can't get into any mischief, lock up cleaners, toxins. [-------3-------] They don't like their little feet in the air. They don't like to be held up standing.They really dislike it, and they will squeal. But personally, I think it's really worth the effort, because they are a wonderful little pet. They're intelligent. You can teach them to do almost anything. They love to snuggle. They bond fully with people. [-------4-------] You can easily harness train them, and then the piggy gets to exercise, and you get your exercise, and they're a wonderful little addition to any family.


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