返回 【妙招大看台】当孩子碰上讨厌的任课老师怎么办




When your child has a bad teacher at school, it sets up a tricky predicament: Do nothing and hope the situation gets better, or confront them and pray you don't make things worse? Here's how to navigate your way to a happy ending

Step 1:
Don't assume someone is a bad teacher just because your child says so, especially if your child is very young. In a calm, [-------1-------]try to tease out details as to exactly what the teacher is doing that your child feels is mean or unfair.
Casually ask other parents if their children are also having trouble with the teacher.
Step 2:
Try to remain objective. Is the school teacher really at fault or could your child be to blame? [-------2-------]
Step 3:
Look at the big picture: If your child is learning what they need to know in the class, the problem could be that they simply don't like the teacher. And in that case, the message to your child may be, [-------3-------]
Step 4:
If you feel your child has valid points, arrange a meeting with the teacher. Emphasize that you are there to ask for help in making school a better experience for your child who seems to be having trouble adjusting. [-------4-------]
Step 5:
Child still unhappy? If talking with the teacher hasn't helped, consider going to the principal. Again, stay calm -- the principal will be more apt to listen to you if you're composed.
Step 6:
If having to deal with a bad teacher means your child's education or health is suffering, consider putting them in a new school. But only take this drastic action if you feel it's absolutely necessary. Most people survive a bad teacher just fine.



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