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You want to make the world a cleaner place, but your parents just don't get it. These tips will help your family see that green is the way to be.

Step 1:
Get information from the library or on the internet to read about how you can be green. Find out what other people have done and think about how your family could use those ideas.
Step 2:
Look around your house and make a list of all of the ways that your family could change to be more environmentally responsible. [-------1-------]
Step 3:
Talk to your parents about what it means to be green and about how even small steps can help make the world a cleaner place. Ask them to help you with the changes you want to make.
Be patient –[-------2-------]
Step 4:
Pick one small project to start with – something that won't require them to make a major change or spend a lot of money. Explain the project to your family.
Step 5:
Talk with your parents about working on bigger, possibly costlier projects. Decide with your family which projects you can [-------4-------]
Explain how Energy Star appliances can save energy, use less water, and ultimately save your family money.
Step 6:
Incorporate green living into your everyday life. By working hard and setting a good example, your family is sure to follow.



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