返回 【生活大爆炸】SO2EO1(3) 别对我撒谎


小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Sheldon: i.e., I couldn't become Green Lantern unless I was chosen by the Guardians of Oa, but given enough start-up capital and an adequate research ___1___, I could be Batman.
-Leonard: You could be Batman?    
-Sheldon: Sure. I'm Batman. See?
-Penny: Hi, guys.
-Leonard: Hey.
-Sheldon: Hi, Penny.
-Leonard: Penny, if you're not doing anything Friday night, I thought maybe we could go to see a movie.
-Penny: Oh, um, you know, I think I have the dinner ___2___ on Friday.
-Leonard: Okay, what about Saturday?
-Penny: You know I'm not sure; the manager hasn't posted the schedule yet. How about let you know?
-Leonard: Great. Okay. ____________________3____________________. Okay, so... Oh, God, I am the bad fish.
-Leonard: What did I do wrong?
-Sheldon: Why are you asking me? I have no information about your ___4___ with Penny other than what you have provided me, nor do I have any method of learning such things.
-Leonard: What does that mean?
-Sheldon: Nothing. You seem to be implying an informational back-channel between me and Penny where obviously none exists.
-Leonard: No, I didn't. I just think you need to be careful how you ___5___ things, sir.
-Leonard: What's going on with you?
-Sheldon: I might ask you the same question. Why do you insist on attempting to drag me into matters which have nothing to do with me? But exist between you and Penny, _________6_________?
-Leonard: What's wrong with your face?
-Sheldon: ______________7____________. Good day, Leonard.
-Leonard: What?
-Penny: I said, "Good day."
-Leonard: Good day?


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