返回 【生活大爆炸】SO2EO2(4) 爱大于恨


小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Penny:Hey, Sheldon.
-Penny:Third floor tonight-- mixing it up? I still don't understand why you don't just go to dinner or something.
-Sheldon:All right, let’s say I go to dinner alone, And during the meal, I have to use the restroom. How do I know someone's not touching my food?
-Penny:Good night, Sheldon.
-Sheldon:Penny, hold on. Are you sure things can't work out with you and Leonard?
-Penny:Excuse me?
-Sheldon:I'm just wondering if you really gave it the old college try. ______________1_______________.
-Penny:Okay, where is this coming from?
-Sheldon:Leonard is upstairs right now with my archenemy.
-Penny:Your archenemy?
-Sheldon:Yes, the Dr. Doom to my Mr. Fantastic. Dr. Octopus to my Spider-Man. The Dr. Divana to my Captain Marvel.
-Penny:I get it, I get it, I get it.
-Sheldon:Do you know, it's amazing how many super-villains have advanced degrees. Graduate school should probably do a better job of screening those people out.
-Penny:Sheldon, come back. You’re losing me.
-Sheldon:It's Leslie winkle, penny. She ___2___ my research.
-Penny:Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry.
-Sheldon:She called me "dumbass."
-Penny:I know. I heard.
-Sheldon:Given this situation, I have no choice but to withdraw my previous ___3___ to your ill-considered relationship with Leonard.
-Penny:Oh, gee, well, thank you for that. But I think for now, Leonard and I are just gonna stay friends.
-Sheldon:No, that response is ___4___ to me.
-Penny:Sheldon, you are a smart guy. You must know...
-Sheldon:I'm "smart"? I'd have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as "smart."
-Penny:Are you gonna let me talk?
-Sheldon:I'm sorry.
-Penny:You must know that if Leonard and Leslie want to be together, nothing you can do is gonna stop it.
-Sheldon:_____________5_____________, madam.
-Penny:Okay, let me put it this way. If you're really Leonard's friend, you will support him no matter who he wants to be with.
-Sheldon:Wait a minute. Why am I doing all the giving here? If Leonard's really my friend, why doesn't he have to support me and my hatred of Leslie winkle?
-Sheldon:Oh, now you're just making stuff up.
-Penny:Okay, good night, Sheldon.
-Sheldon:Oh, Mario, if only I could control everyone the way I control you. Hop, you little plumber, hop, hop, hop.


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