返回 【生活大爆炸】SO2EO3 游戏菜鸟


小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Sheldon:Sheldor is back online.
-Sheldon:The ___1___.
-Penny:What are you doing?
-Sheldon:AFK. I'm playing Age of Conan, an online multiplayer game set in the Universe of Robert E. Howard's Conan the barbarian. Sheldor back online.
-Penny:What's "AFK"?
-Sheldon:AFK. ___________2__________.
-Penny:Oh, I see.
-Sheldon:What does that stand for?
-Penny:Oh, I see.
-Sheldon:Yes, but what does it stand for? Now, just click on the enchanted boots to put them on.
-Penny:Mm, I don't know-- can I see them in another color?
-Sheldon:Just click on them. Yeah, congratulations. You are now a level-three warrior.
-Leonard:What's going on?
-Penny:Leonard, guess what? I'm a level-three warrior.
-Leonard:Great. Do you know there are ___3___ outside of your apartment?
-Penny:Yeah, yeah, yeah. shh.
-Leonard:I only bring it up because your ice cream's melting and it's starting to attract ___4___.
-Penny:Uh-huh, yeah. Do I stay in the jungle or go towards the beach?
-Sheldon:It doesn't matter-- right now; you're looking for treasure.
-Penny:Wait, wait, where are you going?
-Sheldon:No, no. You're okay. ______________________5___________________.
-Sheldon:Well, let's see, uh. She attempted to open her apartment with her car key because her face is overly Midwestern, um... She hasn't had sex in six months... and she ate a fly.
-Leonard:Seriously? Six months?
-Penny:Oh, my god! A treasure chest! I'm rich!
-Sheldon:Level three, and she thinks she's rich. What a newb.


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