返回 【欲望都市】S01E04-1 派对开始~


新的一集~有好多限制级镜头 =。= Carrie她们默默的都有了自己的一个伴~猜猜都是些什么人呢??

-Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, a certain man and a slightly less certain woman kept bumping into one another. [---1---] On street corners. At parties. It was almost as if they were dating accidentally. And then, after another chance meeting, at a wealthy lawyer's new son's briss, [---2---]
Saturday, 10:30, the hottest new restaurant in Manhattan. Samantha's PR firm was handling the opening.
-So, isn't Brian great?
-Charlotte had a new boyfriend. He had her big three - looks, manners, money.
-Did I tell you he wants to buy a painting from my gallery.
- [--3---]
-All right, it's official, he's late.
-Mr. Big, who else?
-Carrie, that's great! Is it a date?
-No, he called it a ''thing''. He said meet me for a drink thing. He never used the ''D'' word.
-Well, thing is good. [---4---]
-Let's hope so. All right, I'm gonna go in.
-See you in there.
-Where did Skipper go?
-Well, I don't know how you can date the younger guy? I mean, they're so scatty and unfocused.
-We're not dating, it's a fuck thing.
-Girls, isn't this fun? [---5---] People are actually crying.


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