返回 【欲望都市】S01E04-4 20岁小伙子和填字游戏一样的男人



-Later that week, Miranda and I compared notes.
-Good luck finding one. There are no available men in their 30's in New York. Giuliani had them removed along with the homeless.
-Well,so then, what's really going on here? I mean, is it younger men feel safer?
-[---2---] Good old-fashioned, eager to please, do what I tell you to, Eagle Scout sex.
-Yeah, but I'm not having sex. It's a kissing thing.
-[---3---] It's just a fling. It's not like we're throwing out our schedules or anything.
-Sweetie, I gotta go.
-[---4---] Bye.
-I didn't want to tell her I cancelled lunch with my editor to go to Banana Republic and help 20-something Sam pick out a shirt. As I helped him try them on, I thought... he's sweet, his fun, and I think he likes me. [---5---] Could he be a potential boyfriend?
-Please. This isn't the Gap.
-And speaking of potential boyfriends, later that week, the crossword puzzle asked me to meet him for a drink, blank. Not quite a date, five letters, starts with ''T''.


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