返回 【欲望都市】S01E04-3 大人物发招~


Mr. Big 先生刚给了留言说自己有事来不了,可偏偏又神奇的出现了。还装无辜。。。乃想怎样 =。=

-You want to see something?
-Wait. I didn't... No fair! Do it over. Let me see.
-It's you.
-I've been looking all over for you. Here you are, holding a tongue.
-Well, your message said you weren't coming.
-I thought I said I'd try to make it put on.
-Well, yeah, but then you said that...
-What? What did I say?
-Never mind, never mind. You're here, you have an hour and let's have a drink.
-Well, I was outside trying to get inside for 30 minutes, and inside looking for you for 20 minutes. [---2---], I'm out of time. You have fun.
-Men in their 40's are like The New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle. Tricky, complicated, and you're never really sure you've got the right answer.
-This place is tired. [---3---]
-Sure. Why not?
-A short cab ride later, Samantha, Jon - no ''H'', Sam and I found ourselves at the nearby 20-something club.
-I can't believe you made Jon leave his own opening.
-He's too happening to be seen someplace borderline tired.
-It was a tough town, [---4---]
-Samantha, everybody in here is in their 20's.
-And so are we.
-As I glanced around the room, I was amazed at the wide variety of 20-something guys. [---5---] The corporate guy. The jock guy. The underage guy.


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