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-Hi, how are ya? Carrie, I want you to meet Mario, Alan, Justine, and Peter.
-Mario's family has one of most gorgeous palazzo on the Grand Canal in Venezia. And, we're all going there next week for the film festival.
-Absolutely. Yet, you must bring your little laptop, [---2---]. You'd be mad not to go! Mario, Carrie is one of the most fascinating, talented and beautiful women in New York.
-I've never been to Venice.
-No! Venice is the most beautiful, the most romantic city in the world.
-Really? I heard it was sinking.
-That's why you must come immediately. [---4---]
-I couldn't say I wasn't tempted. I realized that I could leverage myself like the human equivalent [---5---]. I'd parlay that $1000 into a trip to Venice, into a nice piece of jewellery, a rich husband, followed by a richer divorce.
-I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to say goodbye. I'm here with a friend. She's waiting for me.
-What a pity. Call me, I'm staying at the Carlyle with Peter.
-OK, ciao.
-Just because Venice was sinking didn't mean [---6---]. And as for Gilles and the $1000, I figured there was nothing to be done. [---7---], I had just established my rate for a one night stand.
-Excuse me.
-And then the most powerful woman in Manhattan asked me for a favor.
-Do you have a tampon?
-Oh, sure! Of course.
-Thanks a lot.
-I never told Samantha the source of my new-found power. [---8---], we never had a problem getting a table at Balzac again.


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