返回 【十年纪】2008 野孩子






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——How on earth did Freddie know her name? You may depart.
——But I still have to turn down your bed.
——Get out! I don't understand. Freddie's [----1----]. Why was he looking at her?
——He was looking at her so he didn't come across as looking at you. He needs to be careful. He can't get caught.
——Yeah, and if he looking at you too much, he wouldn't be able to control himself. Like, when I have to look sad, I think about horses being slaughtered. So to Freddie, Poppy's [----2----].
——You're probably right. But we're going to have to do something about little miss USA. She [----3----]who's boss, methinks.
——We think so, too.
——I didn't start it. It wasn't my fault.
——Go out and close the door.
——But you asked to see me.
——Yes, well, [----4----].
——I can't believe it. This is all horse face's fault
——Who is it?
——Jesus Christ!
——Oh, dear. We were led to believe you had a beard and sandals. Now, we'll have to change that stained-glass window [----5----].
——Look, I didn't start it, it wasn't my fault, and if this were in America, I would sue. That girl is a grade one a-hole with [----6----].
——I know perfectly well what happened, Poppy.
——Then why isn't Harriet here too?
——Because, unsurprisingly, it's you I want to talk to. Look, I know it's very difficult being the only new girl in your year.
——You mean, the only normal girl.
——What do you like to read, Poppy?
——Ok, Magazine, People, US Weekly.
——Well, [----7----]?
——I perfect movies.
——Well, my personal library seems to be missing the book version of Freaky Friday. So, perhaps you might try this.
——Oh, my uncle's producing the film version.
——Alice in Wonderland was originally a book. [----8----].
——This is my punishment? This school is so weird.
——What do you want to get out of this school, Poppy?
——To get out of this school.
——You know, this school has produced absolutely nobody of note. Our leading light was the girl who was Princess Diana's foot doctor. So, if your aim is to make the pages of US Weekly, then this isn't the place for you. What we do produce are smart, independent, free-thinking, good-hearted girls [----9----]. The kind of girl that, behind all your [----10----], I know you are. Run along now, I must get on. My in-tray is piling up.


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