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- Teddy? Teddy? Teddy?

- Hug me.

- You're my best friend, John. 

- Did you... Did you just talk?

- Don't look so surprised. You're the one who wished for it, aren't you? 

- Yeah. I did wish for it. 

- Well, here I am. 

- You mean, we get to be best friends for real?          - For real. 

- Forever and ever?                   - Sounds good to me.

__ 1__. 

- Mom, Dad, guess what? My teddy bear's alive!

- Really? Well, isn't that exciting? 

- No, Mom, he's really alive. Look. 

- Merry Christmas, everybody.

- Jesus H. Fuck!

- Let's all be best friends. 

- Oh my God!

- John, get away from that thing. Get over here right now. 

- But, Dad...         - Get over here!

- Listen to your father! Come here!

- Helen, get my gun.  - Dad, no!

- Is it a hugging gun?

- Helen, get my gun, and call the police!

- I'm sorry, Mr. Bennett. I didn't mean to scare anybody. I just wanted John and I to be friends. 

- Yeah, Dad, I made a wish last night that Teddy was alive and my wish came true. 

- Oh my God! It's a miracle. It's a Christmas miracle. You're just like the Baby Jesus.

Well, __2__.

- Out of a Boston suburb comes what is, without a doubt, the most incredible story. 

-  __3__ or, as yet, unknown reasons. 

- Look what Jesus did! Look what Jesus did! Look what Jesus did!

Before long, Teddy had become a huge celebrity in his own right. 

- Hello, Teddy. 

- You... You are a... You surprise me. __4__.

- I thought you were going to be funnier. 

But through all the fame, Teddy never forget his very best friend, John.

- The thunder can't get us, right?

- Nope, we're thunder buddies, and the thunder knows it. We're totally safe. 

- Teddy?          - Yeah, John? 

- Do you promise we'll always be together?            - I promise. 

- Thunder buddies for life.

- Thunder buddies for life. 



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