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- Good morning, Lori.

- Good morning. 

- You okay there, sweetheart? You look a little flustered.

- I'm fine, I'm fine, I just didn't have time for breakfast and the garage was full, and that's right, __1__. 

- I don't understand why you keep putting up with him. 

- I mean, the guy's 35, and he's working for a rental car service. 

- You know, you guys, it's really not about that. I don't care about that. I mean, __2__. I mean, he has a huge heart and we laugh a lot. It's just a bonus that he's the hottest guy in Boston. I don't know. I just wish he would get his life together. Our life. And he can't. And, I swear to God, it is because of that bear. 

- __3__. It's you or the bear.

- No, I can't do that. That would devastate him. Besides, what if he chose Ted? 

- Well, hello there. Sorry if I'm interrupting any private girl-talk about Channing Tatum's indexfinger. But, Lori, I need to see you in my office. 

- The thing is, Rex, I have a lot of work I need to get to...

- This is work, I swear.

- Great.

- Good luck.      - Thank you.

- He's such an asshole.

- Out of control. He's such a sleaze. A hundred bucks says he's showing her the diving team photo. 

- Check this out. That's me on the high school diving team. We dove the shit out of that pool that year. 

- __4__. 

- Lori, why don't you like me? I'm rich, I'm good-looking, my Dad owns the company.

- I have a boyfriend. I have told you this.

- Yeah, the guy with the bear. But __5__, Lori. If we were together, our babies would be spectacular. With my top-of-the-pyramid Caucasian genes and your splash of dark, beautiful, smoky...Baltic? Czech? 

- Goodbye, Rex.


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