返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E02(05)Blood Is The New Black


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V: Ask whoever that is to call you back, please.
S: I won't answer it. Everything okay?
V: No.      1   
S: There's still a lot of things that I don't understand.
V: Yeah, me too, like why would you have anything to do with a man who's accused of murdering two teenage girls?
S: Mom, Emily is really hurting, and I just wanted some answers. Did this happen to Maya because she knew too much?
V: Did the D.A.'s office send you there to ask that question? I didn't think so.      2   
S:      3    Maya was my friend, too.
V: This is a dangerous man, Spencer.      4    Don't you ever go there again.
S: So is Rosewood safe now that one dangerous man is locked up? Because Garret was already in jail when Ali's grave was dug up.
V:      5    People might think that's you. Don't you ever go there again. Am I clear?


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