返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E03(02)Kingdom of the Blind


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C: Hey.
L: Is there something I can help you with?
C: Dude, you tried to set fire to my girlfriend.
L: Yeah, sorry about that. I was being ground down by a trivial bureaucracy.
C: I can't believe I'm saying this, but is there something that you want to talk about?
L:      1   
C: Something I'm usually pretty good at, but there are other people involved. Hanna's worried about you.
L: Yeah, like you worry about a pet.      2    She's got bigger problems.
C: I know all about mona being "A." Hanna told me.
L:      3    Lots more under the surface.
C: Ancient history.
L: More like current events. You know, ripped from today's headlines?
C: What headlines are we talking about?
L: Icebergs turn over. Did you know that? They just roll over and bring up all of that buried junk.      4   
C: Is that a threat?
L: It's an observation.


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