返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E02(06)Blood Is The New Black


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C: I thought you were starved.
H: Guess I'm not.
C: Okay.      1    Hanna, we stopped lying to each other a long time ago, didn't we?
H: I was thinking of visiting Mona at Radley.
C: Why now? Just curious.
H: It's complicated.
C: No, it's more than complicated.      2   
H: Look, she is my best friend in tenth grade.
C: Yeah, and she threw you a few poisoned apples in the eleventh.
H: I don't expect you to understand, all right? I know you hate her.
C: I feel sorry for her, okay?      3   
H: Caleb--
C: I don't care if she spends the rest of her life in a paper gown making ash trays and pooping in a stall without a door as long as she can't get anywhere near you, or hurt you.
H: It hurt me to see her like this, okay? I'm having an ambiguous loss.
C: You're what?
H: That's what it's called. Someone dies but they're still here.
C:      4   
H: I googled it, okay? I'm not gonna have this fight.


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