返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E15(08)Mona Mania


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S: We have a competition in, like, a month. Overnight travel. I'm not gonna be able to survive a weekend with Mona.
H: Maybe we should throw her under a bus, literally. Here's more ice.
S: This isn't working.      1     
H: "Cut Mona off? Big mistake. You're not the only one who can slice and dice. A."
S: That's not Lucas?
H: 100% not Lucas. Mona just used him like an evil personal assistant.      2     
S: You shouldn't have yelled at her like that.
H: Spence, she had it coming.
S: I know, but if she's up to her old tricks, that text won't be the end of it.
H: So what? We know her tricks.      3      Mona can't hide from us anymore.
S: Do you remember when she started to unravel the other day in the courtyard? I saw her crack like that tonight. I thought I could rattle her cage and send her running.      4     
H: How?
S: 'Cause I got cocky, and competitive. I saw this soft underbelly, and I lunged.
H: So you think she showed you a weak spot on purpose?
S: That's what I'm worried about. She doesn't have to hide behind "A" anymore.      5     


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