返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E15(09)Mona Mania


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A: Where is he?
M:      1      He had some work to get done. Feeling any better?
A: No. I thought it was all the stuff with my dad that was tying me up in knots. Now I think I have the actual flu. Yay.
M: It's my powerhouse potion. All herbal.      2      Trust me, it works wonders. I don't think Byron knows we have those pages. So if you want, I can take them--
A: No, don't worry.      3     
M: Is there any way this was some horrible accident?      4      Would he? Well, he'll be gone for a few days, so that gives us time to figure it out.
A: Meredith, he's my dad, and I obviously love him, but you don't think that we should keep this a secret, do you?
M: We both love Byron. Whatever happens next, it's gonna be tough, Aria.      5     
A: Meredith. Thanks. For the tea.


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