返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E16(01)Misery Loves Company


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E: What is this?
A: Some kind of herb thing. It's Meredith's cure-all recipe.
S: I don't think it's working. You look terrible.
A: Thank you. Oh, God. I couldn't have picked a worse time to get sick.
S: Have you heard from your dad?
A:      1     
H: Hey. How's the patient?
E: Not great.
H: Well.      2     Trash. Ginger ale. And three seasons of "Saved by the bell."
A: Thank you, Hanna.
S: Are you sure you want to stay here by yourself?
A: Guys, I'm fine.
H: You don't look fine.
A: So I've heard.
E: You sure you don't want us to drive you to your mom's?
A: No, it's her week with Mike, so the guest room's already taken. And besides, I promised Meredith that I wouldn't tell her about Ali's diary until we talked to my dad, so if I just stay away from her, it's easier to keep that a secret.
H: I can't believe we're trusting Meredith.
A: No.      3     
H: You're not giving her the pages, right?
A: No, they're hidden in a safe place, and they'll stay there till my dad gets home.      4     
H: And if he doesn't?
A: I don't want to believe that my dad could have hurt Ali.      5     


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