返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E17(03)Out of the Frying Pan


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H: Still recovering? From the anniversary dinner.
S: Yeah. Yeah.
A: Was he surprised?
S: Mm-hmm. It was a really big surprise.
A: Where were you last night? Were you with Caleb?
H:      1     Every time I try to make plans with him, he says he's busy, but he won't tell me what he's doing.
A: Why don't you just ask him? Be honest.
H: Wow.      2     Hello! You're the one who's sitting on a secret the size of the "Natterhorn"!
A: Okay, if you're talking about Fitz and the kid, I'm gonna tell him today.      3     I'd wake up every morning with the intention of telling him, and then I'd go to sleep every night feeling guilty that I didn't.
H:      4     
A: Nice bit of support, Hanna. Oh, and by the way, it's "Matterhorn." Aren't you the one that's supposed to be correcting her?
S: What?
A: Hey.      5     
S: Nothing. We didn't really get much of an anniversary 'cause Toby had to get up early for work the next day.
H: That sucks.
S: Yeah, it does. Listen, um, I'm gonna skip the brew today 'cause I have a lot of reading to catch up on, for English, so I'll catch you guys at lunch.


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