返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E17(04)Out of the Frying Pan


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T: What is this?
A:      1     It's time to quit the pen pal routine.
T: What?
A: Clearly your time in cellblock four has done great things for your literary skills. But this needs to stop.
T:      2     
A: Listen. I drove all the way up here and just got a triple-x pat down by security.      3     
T: Why are you so convinced that it's me? Pretty sure Jenna would love to see your head on a stick.
A: Jenna would be pretty happy to see anything, I imagine. Your step-sis was going through surgery when some of these were sent. You wanna know how it turned out? She's still combing her hair with an electric toothbrush.
T: You can go now.
A: You know, I wasn't the only one outside that garage.      4     
T: You know what?      5      I'd offer my services. You and your posse deserve a lot worse.
A: I bet you wish you'd kissed me when you had the chance.


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