返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E17(08)Out of the Frying Pan


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H: Hi.
E: What are you doing here? What's that smell? Is that tequila?
H: No. It's actually gin. A little bit got in my mouth when the girl threw it in my face, so...
E: Who did? What happened?
H: Nothing. I just... I got busted for underage drinking, which I wasn't even doing. Unfortunately, "I'm just holding it" doesn't work on Betty the bouncer.
E: You were at a club.
H: More of a bar.
E: What bar?
H: Oh, it was more of a club. You wouldn't have heard of it.      1     
D: Hey, Emily. Hanna. I just spoke with your mom.      2     
H: What are you doing?
E:      3     Unfortunately, he's one of 'em.
D:      4     We'll return it to you as soon as we can. Oh, and Emily, you did the right thing.
H: What are you thinking?
E:      5     I'm gonna get a coffee. Do you want one?
H: No thanks. I'll take a napkin, for blotting.


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