返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E19(03)What Becomes of the Broken-Heart


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H: Jamie?
J: Hannah? What are you doing back up here?
H: Oh, I was looking for a farmer's market, and then I remembered you that worked nearby, and when I got there, they told me--
J: Hannah. You didn't drive two hours for a shoo-fly pie. What's up?
H: You're his father. Right?
J: Does he know?
H: I'm not sure. When I floated the idea around, he kinda just shut me down.      1     
J: Look...      2     I'd rather not pass on my problems--
H: No, he can deal with it.
J:      3     My resume's not gonna put me in the running for daddy of the year.
H: Okay, well, what does that mean, "shortcuts"?
J: Well, for starters, a police record.
H: You were in jail?
J: It was a long time ago.      4     I served time for petty theft. Caleb's better off thinking of me as the crazy-ass uncle who climbed the fence at veterans stadium to grab him a baseball.
H: No, he's not.      5     You're his father. Caleb will meet you halfway.


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