返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E19(05)What Becomes of the Broken-Heart


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A: Whoa, are you moving in, or are you moving out?
W: Out. All right.
A: I don't think that pot's disposable.
W: There's very little pot left. It's mostly black oatmeal.
A: Yeah, well, you might miss it.
W: Don't worry, my mother will go through the trash after I'm outta here.      1     Right...
A: She called me today. She was looking for you.
W: Oh, she found me. At 7 a.m. Paid the super for a spare key and woke me up.
A: Wait.      2     
W: To test you. Trap you. Prove to Ezra that you're a liar.
A: God, she is so hateful. Did I just say that out loud? Oh. So, you headed back to prep school?
W: Nope.      3     
A: Where are you gonna finish your senior year?
W: Who knows? Spain maybe. Halifax.
A: Halifax? Why there?
W: I have a friend who works up there at a marine center.      4      It's an awesome place. I think I'd love to do something like that.
A: That's cool. So why don't you just stay here till you figure things out?
W: Can't afford to keep changing the locks. I'll just crash on my buddy's couch in Philly tonight. I'm just gonna leave that for Ezra.
A: Have you heard from him?
W: No. Have you?
A: Yeah, mostly texts. The last time I talked to him, he was at Malcolm's soccer game. With Maggie.
W: Hey.      5     Tell her I'm in Canada.


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