返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E23(4)I'm Your Puppet


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H: I'll see you later.
E: Hannah?      1     Is there a better way that I can reach her?
H: Uh, she's in New York right now for a training seminar. Why, what's wrong?
E:      2     
H: Who's we? Mrs. Montgomery, what's going on?
E: I'm on the church's restoration committee, and something's come up.
H: Wait, is this about Caleb's dad?
E: How well did your mom know Jamie before she recommended him? Look, I'm trying to help. It's just, it's really hard to defend the honor of someone you don't even know.      3     
H: And what's the misunderstanding?
E: Jamie removed the bronze bell from the tower to have it repaired.      4     
H: Wait, that's what this is about? They miss their old, crusty bell?
E: To the tune of $8,000. Please, don't say anything to Caleb, just have your mom call me.


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