返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E23(7)I'm Your Puppet


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A: Didn't your mother have this?
S: Your mother.
A: Really, I must have left it at your house and didn't get it back. I left a lot of stuff there. Is it just me, or was sixth grade the best year ever?
S: I didn't even know you then.
A: Oh, honey.      1      Come on, give it up, Spence. Let's pretend that you're getting ready for your first boy-girl dance party.      2     
S: Was it Toby? Was he the one that gave you that bloody lip?
A: Toby? Oh, sweetie.      3      I'm lucky she didn't leave a scar.
S: She? Who?
A: You stopped dancing.
S: I don't-- I don't wanna dance.
A:      4     
S: No, I can't. I haven't slept in three days.
A: Come on.
S: I'm looking for something. The star on Mona's game board.
A: Oh, that. It's in there.


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