返回 【欲望都市】S01E09-7 Carrie和Charlotte的困惑



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ls there any way you can melt them down into one decent gift?

His friends.

So, how is it being married?

lt's fabulous,             1             .

And that's a good thing? - What's that supposed to mean?

lt just means, you're happy, with Allen, right?

Yes, l'm happy. - Well, then l'm happy for you.

Listen,             2             .

l think Allen's great. l just... l mean, he's incredibly successful...

We all think we're Carolyn Bessette.

Then one day we're happy just to have some guy who can play Frisbee.

Look who's here. Hey, you two!

           3             !  

l couldn't believe it. lt was the turtle, wearing Helmut Lang.

Wow, he looks great.

Doesn't he?

He twirls.

What do you think?


He's like a whole new person.

Don't l have a three o'clock?

l'm taking him to Bliss for a facial.

See you later.


Oh, l have to run, too. l'll call you.

Smart girl. She seems happy.

Samantha left with the turtle. Brooke left with a better gift, and l left wondering if everyone in Manhattan was settling.

My Zen teacher once told me that           4             .

Just as l had reached the moment of no thought...

l think l broke my vagina.

Am l pulling too hard?

No, metaphorically l mean, with the rabbit.

You've been using it?

Yes. l'm scared if l keep using it, l won't enjoy sex with a man again.


Well, have you ever been with a man, and he's doing everything, and it feels good but somehow you just can't manage to...

-Come? - Yeah! -

Well, it's weird 'cause with the rabbit, it's like every time, boom!

And one time, l came for like five minutes.

Charlotte honey, it's not illegal.

No man ever did that. l mean l'm scared, what am l gonna do?

Well, you could still enjoy sex with a man and the rabbit.

No, l'm done with it. That's it. l'm never going to touch that thing again.

Oh, l've got to cancel on the ballet tonight.

Why? - l'm, expecting a...

a phone call. A long distance phone call. Transatlantic.

Charlotte could never tell a decent lie.           5             .



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