返回 【欲望都市】S01E09-9 拜访Stanford的奶奶



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After 12 phone calls and three emails, Stanford badgered me into at least meeting his grandmother.

I love that suit you're wearing.

Designed by Coco Chanel herself.


Oh, grandmother has been wearing that same suit for 40 years.

And it still fits.           1             .

I have it in blue, black, pink...

And eggshell!


Stanford tells me you're a writer.

Yes, l have a column in The Star.

I was a career woman many, many years ago.

           2             .

Oh, wow! Is this you?

Not a bad looking girl. Don't you think?

Doesn't she look exactly like Deborah Kerr in An Affair To Remember?

She does.

Oh, my God! This has to be Stanford.           3             .

OK, that's enough.

Oh, come on, this is fun.           4             .

And how about you, honey? Do you want a family?

As l looked around at all the memorabilia and family photographs, the faces of brides and grooms, children and grandchildren, l realized...

Yes, l do.

Stanny, be a dear.           5             .

Of course.

I love my Stanford. He's a very sweet boy, but do you know, he is a fruit.

I realized then that the only inheritance Stanford was going to get from his grandmother was her collection of Chanel suits.


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