返回 【欲望都市】S01E09-8 Carrie and Stanford?



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God I love Sleeping Beauty! The music, the sets, the costumes!

lt's so romantic!

           1             .

I invited Stanford to the ballet. l knew he was available.

Hey, Stanford, cute, huh?

've had it with the whole gay scene. lt's so competitive.

           2             .

Evidently Stanford, tired of bars and blind dates, decided to place a personal ad.

He scheduled a rendezvous with the only respondent on a cold, Sunday afternoon.

20 minutes and three false alarms later, Stanford was ready to call it quits.



Sorry, this is not gonna happen.

           3             .

Even guys like me don't want guys like me. l don't have that gay look.

don't know, you look pretty gay to me.

Come on, maybe it's just a phase.

           4             .

15 years of rejection is a lifestyle.

Sometimes l think l should just marry a woman and get all the money.

What is there, a cash prize?

My grandmother gives everyone in the family their inheritance when they get married.

She doesn't know you're gay?

She doesn't believe in gay.

Really? Big doesn't believe in marriage.

           5             .

You really do want it all.

l don't know. Maybe nobody gets it all.

Though, you do have a point.

We're best friends, we make each other laugh...

We both sleep with men!

You know, this is not a bad idea at all.

Well, actually, l was kidding.

l'm not, think about it.

Who else would keep you in expensive shoes and encourage you to cheat?

Now you're talking!

Friday at the ballet with a man who shared my passion for hot men in tights.

Saturday afternoon in bed with a man who shared my passion for passion.

Maybe there was such a thing as having it all.


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