返回 【妙招大看台】如何知道他对你的感觉




Wondering if the guy of your dreams dreams about you? Here's how to find out.

Step 1:
When you hang out, watch his body language -- men lean in when speaking with a woman to [-------1-------] Check if his hand brushes your body, which signals familiarity and comfort.
If a guy points his feet away from you, you may not have his full attention.
Step 2:
Listen for rapid breathing -- a natural reaction to the chance to impress a potential mate. Also, listen for laughter, which connotes comfort, and notice whether he speaks softly and slowly, which can indicate he's letting his guard down and trying to [-------2-------]
Step 3:
When you're talking, see if he [-------3-------] -- it's a sign of attraction. Does he ask questions that indicate he's listening closely? That boy is into you.
If his eyes focus on your mouth, he might be avoiding eye contact, which might mean he isn't interested.
Step 4:
[-------4-------] -- it means he's proud to be with you. When he meets your friends, see if he tries to impress them -- if he's into you, he'll know their opinions matter.
Step 5:
[-------5-------] Just ask him if he's into you -- it may feel like some of the romance is gone, but you'll get your answer.



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