返回 【妙招大看台】如何减少焦虑感




Overwhelming anxiety can indicate a serious mental-health disorder. Consult a doctor if anxiety is interfering with your daily life. No need to go through life fretting and sweating. There are easy tricks to calm down quick!

Step 1:
Play a video game. Researchers have found that a Game Boy [-------1-------]
Goal-oriented play boosts dopamine in the brain, a chemical linked to positive feelings.
Munch on Brazil nuts. They’re nature’s top source of selenium, a mineral that soothes the central nervous system during high-stress times.
Step 2:
Know your “no-control zone.” [-------2-------]
Look at something blue. Psychological studies show this color is so calming, it instantly soothes overstressed adrenal glands and slows down anxious brain waves!
Step 3:
Think of the absolute worst-case, catastrophically bad [-------3-------]
This helps put things in better perspective.
Doodle, especially circles and figure eights: they switch your brain from analytic to creative and help you calm down.
Step 4:
Take a B-complex vitamin. These are the ones that are depleted first when you’re anxious or stressed.
Step 5:
Eat more fish. Foods like tuna and salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which quash anxiety.
Step 6:
Have the full-fat ice cream! British researchers found that people on low-fat diets are more depressed and anxious, and fat boosts levels of serotonin.
Step 7:
Call a friend. Talking things out is proven to ease anxiety by triggering the release of oxytocin —[-------4-------]
Step 8:
Take a whiff of lavender or vanilla. Studies show these scents reduce anxiety more than prescription anti-anxiety drugs!
Step 9:
Give yourself a mantra to repeat when you’re anxious; [-------5-------]
Step 10:
Try an herbal remedy: lemongrass, chamomile, and dandelion all calm the central nervous system.
Step 11:
If nothing helps, see a doctor. Over 21 million Americans have some form of anxiety disorder, including Drew Barrymore and David Beckham.



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