返回 【妙招大看台】如何及时发现肝脏问题




Liver disease is a broad term for conditions, diseases, or infections that can make the liver function improperly or stop liver function altogether. Use this guide to help recognize the symptoms.

Step 1:
Learn what causes liver disease, including viruses, bacteria, and chemical or physical changes. [-------1-------]
Check your family history. Liver disease can be [-------2-------]
Step 2:
Look for yellowing of the eyes or the skin, also known as jaundice, which is a clear indicator of liver disease.
Step 3:
Pay attention to changes in your relationship with food and eating,
Step 4:
Check your urine and stool. Liver disease symptoms include diarrhea, light-colored stool, and dark urine.
Step 5:
Feel the itch -- liver disease can give you an itchy sensation that cannot be relieved.
Step 6:
Know what type of abdominal pain occurs with liver disease. Pain is typically in the upper right part of the stomach.
Pay attention to muscle aches and pains as well, as these can also be a symptom.
Step 7:
Look for changes in behavior, including depression, a loss of sex drive, fatigue, and a vague feeling of illness known as malaise.
Step 8:
See your doctor and get a liver function test. [------4-------]
Talk with your doctor about the steps you need to take for treatment.



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