返回 【妙招大看台】在校想家了怎么办




You're away at school and miss home. It's natural, but can be overcome.

Step 1:
Understand that things will be different, and so you shouldn't try to make it home. It's a different time and place, but that's a good thing.
Step 2
Bring a piece of home. [-------1-------]
Step 3:
Focus on what you're gaining. College is a fun and interesting time in someone's life. Focus on the fact that you're getting an education, meeting new people, and experiencing new things.
Step 4:
Know that you're not alone. [-------2-------]Talk to classmates and ask how they are dealing with it.
Step 5:
Keep in touch. Send emails to old friends—who, incidentally, may be feeling the same thing—at their new school, too. Call friends and relatives.
Step 6:
Get involved. Join a club, campus radio station, yearbook staff, frat, or sorority. Volunteer or run for office. This will help you focus on the present.
Step 7:
Plan a visit. Have a friend visit you or go home for a long weekend. You may just miss college life.
Think carefully about whether or not to go home at weekends. [-------3-------]
Step 8:
Keep a journal. Write down what you're feeling. When you look back in a year or two, you'll see how far you've come.
Step 9:
Talk about your feelings with your roommate or friends.
Step 10:
Go to new places you don't normally visit on campus so you can see and meet new people. [-------4-------]


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