返回 【妙招大看台】如何控制住自己的购物欲?




Shopping on the day after Thanksgiving is not for the faint of heart! Don't be intimidated by the mob of bargain-hunters. Follow this battle plan to survive Black Friday sales.

Step 1:
Eat a breakfast that contains both protein and carbohydrates; the combination provides longer-lasting energy than eating either alone.
Pack a bottle of water and some lightweight, healthy snacks.
Step 2
If possible, keep your cash and credit cards on you in a zippered pocket, and use a backpack for everything else so that your hands are free.
Step 3:
Vow to have a zen attitude about traffic jams and pushy crowds: [-------2-------]
Step 4:
Park as far away from store entrances as you can so that when you're ready to leave, your exit can be as quick as possible.
Leave your coat in the car so you won't get overheated in the store.
Step 5:
If you get caught in a [-------4-------], go with the surge, then slowly work your way sideways to an open space. If you fall, curl into a ball and try to crawl in the direction of the crowd.
Step 6:
Keep the less fortunate in mind as you shop: Look for bargain toys and clothing for charities that collect for the needy.



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