• 妙招大看台
  • 边听写边学习各种妙招。为你带来生活中,学习中或工作中等各个方面的技巧。老外教你他们how to do...
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  • 均用时: 10分09秒
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[万花筒] 【妙招大看台】如何知道他对你的感觉

听写方式:只听写划线部分,不用写序号。 Wondering if the guy of your dreams dreams about you? Here's how to find out. Step 1: When you ha...

发布:2012-08-19 | 英语 | 36人听写 | 4次评论 | 中级 70% | 时长:01:41 | 妙招大看台 

[万花筒] 【妙招大看台】如何最大限度利用空间

听写方式:只听写划线部分,不用写序号。 Standing in the shower while brushing your teeth has its quaintness, but it can also be a hassle. ...

发布:2012-08-18 | 英语 | 13人听写 | 2次评论 | 中级 73% | 时长:02:03 | 妙招大看台 

[万花筒] 【妙招大看台】如何变得井井有条

听写方式:只听写划线部分,不用写序号。 Being a well-organized person can affect every area of your life and make day-to-day living easier...

发布:2012-08-17 | 英语 | 26人听写 | 3次评论 | 中级 70% | 时长:02:09 | 妙招大看台 

[万花筒] 【妙招大看台】如何判断面试求职者是否说谎

听写方式:只听写划线部分,不用写序号。 Your job candidate's resume seems more than padded -- it's stuffed. Find out if your prospective e...

发布:2012-08-16 | 英语 | 15人听写 | 4次评论 | 中级 74% | 时长:01:53 | 妙招大看台 

[万花筒] 【妙招大看台】如何去掉粘肤的沙子

听写方式:只听写划线部分,不用写序号。 Sand sticks to hot, lotion-covered skin and gets between your toes, not to mention other, unmentio...

发布:2012-08-15 | 英语 | 15人听写 | 0次评论 | 中级 65% | 时长:01:39 | 妙招大看台 

[万花筒] 【妙招大看台】如何做花环

听写方式:只听写划线部分,不用写序号。 Ancient Greeks wore laurel leaf crowns as symbols of victory. Delight the heart of any girl with a...

发布:2012-08-14 | 英语 | 11人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 71% | 时长:01:33 | 妙招大看台 

[万花筒] 【妙招大看台】墨西哥人如何过亡灵节

听写方式:只听写划线部分,不用写序号。 The Day of the Dead has been celebrated in Mexico since pre-Columbian times. Here's how to remembe...

发布:2012-08-13 | 英语 | 10人听写 | 2次评论 | 中级 77% | 时长:01:46 | 妙招大看台 

[万花筒] 【妙招大看台】如何在聚会时做好DJ

听写方式:只听写划线部分,不用写序号。 Keep your crowd on the dance floor by following these tips. Step 1: Meet with your client to disc...

发布:2012-08-12 | 英语 | 14人听写 | 1次评论 | 中级 64% | 时长:01:20 | 妙招大看台 

[万花筒] 【妙招大看台】如何成为DJ

听写方式:只听写划线部分,不用写序号。 You already know the mechanics of DJing, but you want to be an international celebrity -- or at le...

发布:2012-08-11 | 英语 | 16人听写 | 6次评论 | 中级 68% | 时长:01:57 | 妙招大看台 

[万花筒] 【妙招大看台】如何选择和你肌肤相配的颜色

听写方式:只听写划线部分,不用写序号。 A study by the University of Durham, England, found that athletes in sports competitions who wore ...

发布:2012-08-10 | 英语 | 16人听写 | 3次评论 | 中级 77% | 时长:02:33 | 妙招大看台