返回 【生活大爆炸】SO1EO15(2) 超人小内内


小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Missy: So anyway, we're eight years old and Sheldon converts my Easy Bake Oven to some kind of high-powered furnace.
-Leonard: Just classic.
-Sheldon: I needed a place to fire ceramic semiconductor substrates for homemade integrated circuits.
-Missy: He was trying to build some sort of ______1_______ to keep me out of his room.
-Sheldon: Made necessary by her insistence on going into my room.
-Missy: Anyway, I go to make those little corn ___2___ they give you. There's a big flash. Next thing you know my eyebrows are gone.
-Howard: Not your eyebrows.
-Missy: Yep, I had to go through the entire second grade with crooked eyebrows my mom drew on.
-Sheldon: Is that what that was? I just assumed that the second grade ___3___ had rendered you quizzical.
-Penny: Hey, Leonard, you left your ___4___ in the dryer downstairs.
-Leonard: Those are not mine.
-Penny: Really? They have your little name label in them.
-Leonard: Yeah... no, I do... I... I use those, uh, just to _______5_______ my spear fishing equipment. I spear fish. When I'm not crossbow hunting, I spear fish. Uh, Penny, this is Sheldon's twin sister, Missy. Missy, this is our neighbor, Penny.
-Penny: Hi. Wow, you don't look that much alike.
-Howard: Can I get a hallelujah?
-Sheldon: ______________________6____________________. They are no more alike than any other siblings.
-Howard: Hallelujah!
-Rajesh: Hey, guess what. I've been accepted as a test subject for a new miracle drug to overcome pathological shyness.
-Penny: Oh, good for you, Raj.
-Rajesh: Yes, I'm very hopeful. Hello, Missy. They mentioned there may be side effects.


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