返回 【生活大爆炸】SO1EO16(2) 你没听过威胁?


小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Sheldon:Hello, Penny. Leonard just left.
-Penny:I know. I want to talk to you.
-Sheldon:What would we talk about? We have no ___1___ areas of interest I'm aware of. As you know, I don't care for ___2___.
-Penny:Can you just let me in?
-Sheldon:Well, all right, but I don't see this as a promising endeavor.
-Penny:Okay, here's the deal. We are going to throw Leonard a kick-ass surprise party for his birthday on Saturday.
-Sheldon:I hardly think so. ______________3_______________.
-Howard:Did someone say... "party"?
-Penny:He just doesn't know he wants one 'cause he's never had one.
-Howard:I suppose that's possible, but for the record, I've never had a threesome and yet I still know I want one.
-Penny:Howard, here's the difference -- the possibility exists that Leonard could have a birthday party before hell freezes over.
-Howard:Fine. If I do have a threesome, you can't be part of it. I'm just kidding. Yes, you can. Can you bring a friend?
-Sheldon:I think a birthday party's a terrible idea. I envy Leonard for growing up without that anguish.
-Sheldon:Year after year, I had to endure wearing comical hats while being forced into the crowded, sweaty hell of ___4___ castles. Not to mention being blindfolded and being spun toward a grotesque tailless donkey as the other children mocked my ___5___.
-Penny:Okay, sweetie, I understand you have scars that no nonprofessional can heal, but, nevertheless, we're going to throw Leonard a birthday party.
-Sheldon:Have I pointed out that I'm extremely uncomfortable with dancing, loud music and most other forms of alcohol-induced frivolity?
-Penny:Nevertheless, we're...
-Sheldon:In addition, I really don't think that Leonard wants...
-Penny:Okay, here's the deal: You either you help me throw Leonard a birthday party or, so help me God, I will go into your bedroom and unbag all of your most valuable, mint-condition comic books. And on one of them, you won't know which, ______________6________________.
-Sheldon:You can't do that. If you make a mark in a mint comic book, it's no longer mint.
-Penny:Sheldon, do you understand the concept of ___7___?
-Sheldon:Well, of course, I... Oh. Yeah, I have an idea. Let's throw Leonard a kick-ass birthday party.


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