返回 【生活大爆炸】SO1EO15(4) 我是一只小杜鹃


小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Missy: Okay, I'm not even going to ask why you're pimping me out for cheese. But since when do you care at all about who I sleep with?
-Sheldon: Well, ___1___, I've never given it any thought, but it has been pointed out to me that you carry DNA of great ___2___.
-Missy: What on earth are you talking about?
-Sheldon: Let me explain. You see, I'm a superior genetic ___3___, uh, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.
-Missy: And what do you mean, "mediocre stock"?
-Sheldon: That would be you. But residing within you, is the potential for another me. Perhaps even taller, smarter, and less ___4___ to freckling, a Sheldon 2.0, if you will.
-Missy: Sheldon 2.0?
-Sheldon: Exactly. Now, I am not saying that I should be the sole decider of who you mate with. If you're not attracted to the suitor, then the likelihood of conception will be reduced.
-Missy: You have got to be kidding me.
-Sheldon: Not at all. Frequent coitus dramatically increases the odds of fertilization.
-Missy: Okay, Shelly, sit down. Now I've lived my whole life dealing with the fact that my twin brother is, as Mom puts it, "one of God's special, little people."
-Sheldon: I always thought I was more like a cuckoo bird. You know a superior creature whose egg is placed in the nest of ordinary birds. Of course, the newly hatched cuckoo eats all the food, leaving the ordinary ___5___ to starve to death. _____________________6__________________.
-Missy: I thought it ended at "cuckoo." You listen to me. If you want to start acting like a brother who cares about me, then terrific. ______7______. But you try one time to tell me who I should be sleeping with, and you and I are going to go round and round the way we did when we were little. Remember?
-Sheldon: I have an alternate proposal.
-Missy: Go on.
-Sheldon: You donate eggs. We will place them in cryogenic storage. I will find an appropriate sperm donor for your eggs, have them fertilized and implanted in you. That way, everybody wins. Correction. Missy can date whoever she wants.


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