返回 【欲望都市】S01E02-2 模特儿的“魅力”何在?


听着自己好友在面对模特儿时的自卑,Carrie相当的困惑。于是她又采访了一些男性朋友和模特儿。 小编默默的表示...这些男人们的理论真是..有够肤浅 =。=

-Suddenly I was interested. [---1---], exactly how powerful was beauty?
-There are two types of guys that fall for beautiful women. Either they are slimeballs that are just out to get laid, or they fall in love instantly. It's pathetic.
-Why fuck the girl in the skirt, if you can fuck the girl in the ad for the skirt?
-Being beautiful is such a power. You can get whatever you want.
-You can get anything. I've been offered trips to Aspen, weekends in Paris, Christmas in St Barts.
-A motorcycle, a juicer...
-It's not like models don't have brains, they have them. They just don't need to use them.
- [---2---] I read. I'll sit down and read a whole magazine from cover to cover.
-Some scuba gear. A Herb Ritt's photo.
-A Bulgari necklace, a breast job.
-My friends think I'm shallow. Sometimes I think they're right. Other times I think, ''Hey, I'm fucking a model.''
- [---3---] It's really easier to screw a model than a regular girl 'cause they do it all the time, how regular people are when they're on vacation.
-Barkley, an notorious modelizer, was one of those SoHo wonders who maintained a fabulous lifestyle, [---4---]
-So, you are saying it's easy to meet them?
-No, not so easy. [---5---] You gotta be as a role as in a place walk up to the hottest thing there; otherwise, you're finished. It's kind of like being around dogs - you gotta show no fear.
-Things? You call them things?
-Yeah. Well, they are things. They're beautiful things, and that's what my life's about, you know?


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