返回 【欲望都市】S01E02-6 模特儿也寂寞


还记得史丹佛的单相思对象吗? 庆功会后他主动要求和Carrie回家~不要想歪了 =。=、、 大家猜猜这位大帅哥是不是同性恋o(╯□╰)o 史丹佛到底有木有机会捏、、

Hints: Iowa
-Shouldn't you be spending the night with some girl from the show?
-No, I never date models. I think they're stupid.
-I wondered if there wasn't some kind of physics for beauty. Maybe two models repelled. [---1---]
-I think it's so cool that you write.
-I wish I could write. I got all these intense thoughts, but I can't keep remember ahead long enough to write them down on the paper.
-Well, that's the big trick.
-Truthly, I'm totally neurotic. One minute I could be walking down the street, totally cool, [---2---] I'm totally self-conscious. Before I say something, I say it in my head first so it doesn't come out wrong.
-Doesn't that a thing might waste the time?
-[---3---] Sometimes I get so distracted.
-What's distracting you now?
-Your nose.
-Thanks a lot. I hate my nose.
-No, it's just so cute. I hate my nose, too. It's too big, but I think it depends on my hair.
-Yeah... I see what you mean.
-So what do you want to be when you grow up?
-Well, I think this might be it. What do you want to be when you grow up?
-I felt like I was in my bedroom when I was 16 and I used to hang out with a guy who was really beautiful while my parents thought l was helping him with his chemistry homework.
-Do you mind if we just lie here? I get so lonely in the city. [---5---]
-Sure. We could do that.
-It was hard to imagine that anyone so beautiful could ever be lonely.


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