返回 【欲望都市】S01E02-3 “可爱的”史奇普



Hints:  Miranda
Later that day I was relieved to discover that at least one eligible bachelor got his kicks off the runway.
-You're kidding, that's great.
-Yeah, I think she is so sexy and smart. And, [---2---]
-Yeah, it was totally hot.
-So, why don't you call her? You should call her. She would love that.
-I did, like a hundred times. Tell me why she won't return my phone calls. I don't know. Did she say anything about me?
-I don't know. Maybe she's just busy. I know. Am I not cute enough for her?  
-Of course you are. Skipper, you're adorable.
-Well, I don't know, find out for me. [---3---]
-Right now, in front of you?
-Hi, this is Miranda, please leave me a message.
-Oh, it's her machine.
-Hey, this is Skipper. I'm in the street with Carrie. Just told her you won't call me back. So now you have to call me back. You'd better call me back! No, I'm kidding. I'm joking. [---5---] And, umm.. Did I mention this was Skipper?
-I believe there is a curse put on the head of anybody who tries to fix up their friends.


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