返回 【欲望都市】S01E02-4 史丹佛和他的“骨头”


为了完成对模特儿狂这个群体的研究,Carrie跟着他的朋友史丹佛来到了时装会,认识了史丹佛的客户之一——“The Bone”

Hints: Carrie
          Sex And City
-Where better to find modelizers in their natural habitate than a fashion show? Luckily, my friend Stanford Blatch had a client in the hottest show in town.
-''The Bone'' is like the human equivalent of the sable coat. [---1---]
-Do you see him?
-Oh,Right over there.
-Oh, my God, look at him. He travels with his own personal lighting director.
-Derek, AKA ''The Bone'', was the world's biggest underwear model and Stanford's most important client, [---2---]
-Hey, Stanny.
-Derek, l'd like you to meet a very dear friend, Carrie Bradshaw.
-Nice to meet you.
-Oh, that's great.
-Have you read it?
-You know, umm.. The other day, Derek and l were walking past his billboard and he told me he wanted a piece of it for his apartment, like maybe his nose. And l said, ''You should get the bulge in your pants, that when women ask how big you are, ''you can say, 'Fourteen feet!''
-That would be very funny, wouldn't it?
-Everybody's talking about you. You are so great. You're gonna be a star, have l told you that enough times? You're gonna be a star, you're a star!
-l am dressed.
-We'll see you after the show.  
-[---5---] l keep dreaming that someday he's gonna turn around to say, ''Stanford, l love you.''
-ls he gay?
-He denies it. How could anyone that gorgeous be straight?


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