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1.【CRI新闻】系列听写,选用中国国际广播电台(China Radio International)相关国际新闻内容。
2.本期新闻摘要: 外汇兑换 习近平指示 学习罗阳优秀品质 授予英模称号 航母鸣笛 铁路建设

U.S. declines to name China currency manipulator

U.S. Treasury Department says China did not manipulate its currency, but Chinese currency still remains undervalued.The semi-annual currency report has____1____  .The Renminbi has appreciated by 9.3 percent in nominal terms and 12.6 percent in real terms against the dollar since June 2010.

Xi Jinping offers condole on senior jet figure's death

General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping has____2____Luo Yang.Xi Jinping says the death of the on-site director-in-chief of China's carrier-borne fighter jet program is a "big loss to the Party as well as to the nation".The Party and military leader has also urged Party members to learn from Luo's "qualities and treasured spirit".Luo Yang is the chairman and general manager of the Shenyang Aircraft Corp.He headed the manufacturing and production phase of the J-15 fighter jet.Luo had a heart attack onboard the carrier after the successful landing of the J-15 on Sunday, and later died in hospital at the age of 51.

Authorities approve 75 billion yuan rail projects

Chinese ____3____ 75-billion yuan in a bid to spur the country's economy.The projects include a city railway in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian province and the 2012 to 2019 city railway planning for Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang.By 2020, 40-Chinese cities will have or will be building city railways.Meanwhile, China's current high-speed rail network now exceeds 7,700 km.Total length of the high-speed railway is expected to reach about 18-thousand km by 2015.

Officials sacked after subsidies for children allegedly pocketed

Five officials in central China have been sacked after government subsidies for rural children's meals were suspected of being pocketed.School lunch in a primary school in Hunan province was reported to be below the three yuan meal standard set by the government.Two education bureau officials of Fenghuang County, the principal and two deputy principals of the school have been sacked following the allegations.
County authorities have committed 2.1 million yuan in their annual budget for school lunch for primary and junior high schools.The____4____  .

Over 150 injured in fresh clashes in Egypt over Morsi's declaration

At least 150 people are injured in fresh clashes between supporters and opponents of President Mohamed Morsi in Egypt.Protesters in Ghar-biya the country's Nile Delta region, planned to storm the office of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party formerly headed by Morsi.At least three people have been killed____5____on November 22nd.


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