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2.本期新闻摘要: 巴勒斯坦成联大观察员国 与艾滋抗争 农村土地征用

Key countries position on Palestinian statehood bid

Key players are finalizing their position on a U.N. vote recognizing Palestine's statehood.Russia has announced it plans to vote in favor of the Palestinian bid for a non-member observer state at the General Assembly.The UK is ____1____ Israel "without pre-conditions".Meantime, the United States is still opposed, saying the status of a future Palestinian state has to come from direct negotiations with Israel.This follows a meeting between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State William Burns in New York.

China's NGOs praised for role in fighting HIV/AIDS

The Chinese government has pledged to spend more in combating HIV/AIDS.
Vice Premier Li Keqiang said at a State Council commission meeting that the government would give greater financial support to non-government organizations.
Li says the____2____ .China registered close to 18-thousand AIDS-related deaths during the first 10 months of this year, an increase of nearly 9-percent year on year.Ministry of Health says there were over 34-thousand AIDS patients in China in the first 10 months of the year.Those most affected are in the 15 to 24 year age group and those over 50.

China's cabinet warns of rural land expropriation

The Chinese government is warning rural stability and grain supply security may face a number of challenges due to excessive land expropriation.The government is____3____ .The State Council has also passed a draft law amendment that alters rules on how to compensate farmers whose land is expropriated.Protests by farmers over____4____ .

Death toll hits 11 in NE China capsizing

Eleven people have been confirmed dead after a fishing boat capsized off the northeastern coast of China on Wednesday.Huge waves sank the boat with a 17-member crew at about 2 a.m. when they were about to transfer to a bigger vessel off a fishing port in Dalian.One fisherman was rescued alive.The identities of the 11 dead people have been____5____.


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