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2.本期新闻摘要: 叙利亚汽车炸弹 石油 国际新闻早报:哥伦比亚政府宣布退出《波哥大公约》

Russia condemns car bomb blasts in Syria

Russia has come out and said it strongly condems the latest spate of car bombs in Syria.The Russian Foreign Ministry is calling Wednesday's incidents inhuman acts of international terrorism by organizations such as al-Qaeda.The ____1____ of Daraa, leaving a number of casualties.It is the fifth one to rattle Syria within hours.Earlier in the day four blasts hit the Jaramana suburb of the capital Damascus, leaving at least 56 people dead.

Jordan arrests five armed people attempting to enter Syria

Security forces in Jordan have arrested five Jordanians who were planning to cross the northern borders with Syria carrying weapons.The police raided a house in northern Jordan where the armed people were staying.They____2____ .Police say one of those arrested was jailed in 2007 on charges of plotting terrorist acts.

U.S. suspends BP from new contracts with federal government

British____3____  the U.S. government.The Environmental Protection Agency says the action was taken over BP's "lack of business integrity" during its handling of the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.It comes after BP said it had spent 14-billion U.S. dollars on its response to the spill and a record fine of 4.5 billion U.S. dollars.It is unclear how long the latest ban will last.

Colombia withdraws from Bogota Pact over ICJ ruling

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has____4____  , The Hague and has withdrawn from the 1948 Bogota Pact.Santos said he was____5____and not rulings from The Hague.The decision comes nine days after the International court redrew Colombia's maritime border in the Caribbean in favour of Nicaragua.


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