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1.【CRI新闻】系列听写,选用中国国际广播电台(China Radio International)的相关国际新闻内容。

The Chinese government has     1     its response, following a new call by North Korea for foreigners in South Korea to     2     that country.

CRI's Li Jing has more.

North Korea's government has issued a statement through its state    3    , warning foreigners in South Korea to consider getting out while they can.

"The DPRK does not want to see foreigners in South Korea     4     the war. The       informs all    6    and enterprises and foreigners, including tourists in Seoul and all other parts of South Korea, that they are requested to     7      , in advance, for their safety."

The Chinese government has issued a response.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei:

"The Korean peninsula is      8      China. We oppose war or     9     happening on our doorstep. We ask all the relevant sides to     10     regional peace and stability and earnestly protect the legal rights and safety of     11     ."

South Korea,     12     , is calling on the North to avoid further     13    and    14    its international obligations.

Cho Tai-young is South Korea's Foreign Ministry spokesperson.

"North Korea should not impose the unfortunate result of its     15    the international community by continuing its provocations, ignoring international warning and violating UN Security Council resolutions."

It's being reported virtually all operations at the joint Kaesong industrial complex    16     a halt.

The over 50-thousand North Korean workers who are the backbone of the South Korean operations in Kaesong have been pulled out.

South Korean President Park Geun-hye is on record saying North Korea is hurting its      17     as a place to do business by shutting down the zone, suggesting no companies from anywhere else in the world will want to invest in North Korea.

Pyongyang has told foreign embassies this week to consider possible evacuation if
tensions flare up.

   18     has been rising on the Korean peninsula since the United Nations    19    new sanctions against the North in response to its third nuclear test in February.

Pyongyang has also been angered by weeks of joint military exercises by South Korean and U.S. forces, threatening both countries with    20   .

For CRI, this is Li Jing.


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