返回 【妙招大看台】如何不乱花钱




Learning how to spend your money can keep you from wasting it. Stop throwing money out of the window with these smart moves.

Step 1: [-------1-------]
Step 2:
Save your money in accounts that pay high interest.
Call your bank to see what high interest accounts are available.
Step 3:
[-------2-------] You are not saving money if what you buy in bulk eventually gets thrown away.
Step 4:
Pay in cash. You are wasting money when you spend time [-------3-------] only to pay interest when you pay for your purchases with a credit card.
Step 5:
[-------4-------] Ask yourself if you really need the item and if you can afford it. If you don't really need it, use your willpower and avoid the unnecessary expense.
Do not buy items that you will not use just because they are on sale.
Step 6:
[-------5-------] such as prescriptions and groceries, instead of name brands.
Step 7:
Cancel your gym membership if you are not using it, and walk or bike to get around.
Step 8:
Quit smoking. Both your wallet and body will thank you.
Step 9:
Make sure you are getting the best insurance rates by [-------6-------]
Step 10:
Visit your local library to rent music, books, and movies for free or for a minimal fee.



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