返回 【妙招大看台】如何挽回你的前任




After your former boyfriend or girlfriend has gone, you realize that they're the one you want to be with forever. Here's how to win back your ex's affection.

Step 1:
[-------1-------] If they were abusive, don't even think about it. If cheating was involved, make sure you're truly over it. Remind yourself of their faults and don't look back too fondly.
Run your assessment by a trusted friend, who'll only want the best for you, and listen when you get the advice you've asked for.
Step 2:
Call your ex. [-------2-------] or if they seem to be open, at least to meeting for coffee.
Step 3:
Do lunch or coffee, not drinks or dinner. Keeping your meeting during daylight hours and alcohol-free will take away any temptation to jump back into bed too quickly. Having a clear head means you can decide if getting back together is actually a good idea.
Step 4:
Look your best. [-------3-------] if necessary. If you look great, you'll feel great, and your ex will feel it too!
Step 5:
Show them what they're missing. Exude self-confidence -- if you've used the time you were apart wisely and worked on bettering yourself, [-------4-------]
Don't beg to be taken back or be a willing doormat. It will just make you look desperate.
Step 6:
[-------5-------] Take them somewhere romantic, write a heartfelt love letter, or show up at their place wearing a trench coat and nothing else. If they reject you, move on. At least you know you tried!



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