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Cooking perfect pasta isn't hard. Then again, cooking mushy or crunchy noodles is dangerously easy

Step 1:
For each pound of pasta you want to cook, pour 6 quarts of fresh, cold water into a large [-------1-------]
Step 2:
Put the pot on your stove's largest burner to make sure the heat is evenly distributed, and turn the burner to "High."
Add a few pinches of salt to the water and cover the pot to reach a faster boil.
Step 3:
Wait for the water to come to a full, rolling boil.
Step 4:
Slide the pasta slowly into the pot to avoid splashing the scalding-hot water.
A bundle of dry spaghetti about the diameter of a quarter will yield one cup of cooked pasta. Step 5:
Cover the pot and wait for the water to return [-------2-------]
Step 6:
When the water is boiling again, remove the cover, lower the heat to "Medium-High," and stir frequently. Cooking times vary for different types of pasta—consult your package.
Step 7:
When your pasta is nearing the end of its cooking time, use a [-------3-------] spoon to fish out a piece. Taste it to see whether it's done—just be careful not to burn your mouth!
Most pasta should be served al dente, or "to the tooth" in Italian. It's the point when the pasta [-------4-------]
Step 8:
When the pasta is ready, put a large colander in your sink and pour the contents of the pot into it. Shake the colander to remove excess water.
Do not rinse the pasta. It will bind better with the sauce if it hasn't been cooled down before they meet.
Step 9:
Serve your pasta as soon as possible after cooking it to capture the true glory of its flavor.



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